7th International congress of Esperanto,
Antwerp, Belgian

Suriname honoured Zamenhof and the Esperanto movement with a set of 3 tasteful stamps, at the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Esperanto.
Since Suriname used to be part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, until its independence in 1975, Dutch is spoken in this Central American Republic.
Therefore you can read "100 jaar Esperanto" (100 years of Esperanto) on the first stamp.
On the 60 cent stamp, the green star, "la verda stelo" is shown.
This is the symbol of Esperanto, as long with the mirrored E "ЄЭ" on the 3rd stamp, which is a more recent design.
The 110 cent stamp shows a world map with two white doves holding a flag, symbolising world peace.

100 years of Esperanto
تین ٹکٹوں کا ایک سیٹ، اسپرانتو کی سو ویں سالگرہ کے
موقع پر ضامن ھوف اور اسپرانتو تحریک کے نام
سورینام ، ہالینڈ ... اسپرانتو کے سوسال
ساٹھ فیصد سٹیمپ پر، سبز ستارہ، دکھایا گیا ہے
When talking about Esperanto, we're talking about a language.
Call it 'constructed' or 'artificial', speaking Esperanto, doesn't give me the feeling there's much artificial about it. It's a tool to make people understand eachother in a world with so many languages.
According the Bible (First or Old Testament) in the beginning there was only one language. (which wasn't Esperanto I suppose).
But menkind became presumptuous, and tempted God by building an enormous tower according to the Book of Genesis, in the plain of Shinar. Pretending that speaking in one language, one voice, would make them invincible.
"And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because God there confounded the language of all the Earth."(Genesis 11:5-8)"
Also in the Qur'an there is a story with similarities to the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel, though set in the Egypt of Moses. In Suras 28:38 and 40:36-37, Pharaoh asks Haman to build him a stone, or clay tower so that he can mount up to heaven and confront the God of Moses.
This image inspired Pieter Bruegel the Elder, the flemish renaissance painter in 1563 to make a painting of the so called 'tower of Babel'.

یہ تصویر 'بابل کے ٹاور' کی ایک پینٹنگ ہے
Belgium - Esperanto 1982
A very nice stamp, and a very nice tribute to Dr. Zamenhof.

Esperanto 1987
6th to 9th August 1926,
6th international congress of Esperanto-Proletarians in Leningrad

6th international proletarians (6th) Esperanto - Congress

Stamps on the theme of Esperanto can easily be found.
Coins however are less easy to obtain.
And yet, there are...
A fine example is this 1 Cuba Peso coin, to commemorate
the Esperanto Congress in Havana in 1990.
It's a non-circulating commemorative coin.
Mintage is 6000 only!
Catalognumber (Krause) KM 250
Ø 30 mm
Copper - Nickel
Cuba Peso coin, to commemorate
the Esperanto Congress
in Havana in 1990
25 kuna, Ist Esperanto Congress
Kroatia in 1997

Hungary celebrating 70 years of Esperanto in 1957
Belgium - Esperanto 1982
Brazil, Ora jubileo de Esperanto
Golden jubilee of Esperanto
Bulgaria hosting
the 48th International Esperanto Congress
in Sofia 1963
Esperanto Congress in Budapest
Esperanto en servo de la mondpaco
Esperanto serving world peace
Brasil 1937
Russia 1927 Esperanto
Yugoslavian 1988 Post celebrating
100 years of Esperanto
In 1959, Brazil commemorated
the 100th anniversary date of
Dr. L. L. Zamenhof

A tribute to Dr. Zamenhof
and his idea for worldpeace

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